Selected Translations
Central European University Press, 2019:
The formation of a body of professional classes and institutions was one of the most significant consequences of the establishment of the Romanian state in the second half of the nineteenth century. [...] Bărbulescu’s book is not an institutional history or prosopographic profile of the medical profession, although some information is provided on doctors’ intellectual formation and worldview, as well as a few portrait photographs. Rather, it takes a discursive approach, defined by the author as “social imagology,” meaning primarily an analysis of official reports compiled by medics on the state of health of the country’s rural population (p. 13). It provides, firstly, a survey of a body of documentation; secondly, an analysis of recurrent themes; and thirdly, an account of “medical cultures,” which focuses especially on modernizing medical legislation, and of its “impossible application.” The exposition concludes with a case study of incidents concerning two individuals from the year 1860.
(Alex Drace-Francis. Review of Bărbulescu, Constantin, România medicilor: Medici, ţărani şi igienă rurală în România de la 1860 la 1910. H-Romania, H-Net Reviews. January, 2017)

Translation of Lady Into Fox , A Man in the Zoo and The Master Cat by David Garnett
Humanitas, Bucharest, 2006
Norman Manea, The Hooligan's Return,
Farrar Straus & Giroux, New York, 2005
All is recounted with the caustic dexterity and lyrical power we would expect from the accomplished novelist who gave us ''Compulsory Happiness'' and ''The Black Envelope,'' and superbly translated by Angela Jianu [...]
from the review by Ariel Dorfman in The New York Times, 21 September 2003

Romanian translation of John Fowles' Mantissa,
Polirom, 2nd ed., Bucharest, 2003

The Kishinev Ghetto, 1941−1942: A Documentary History of the Holocaust in Romania's Contested Borderlands
Paul A. Shapiro (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2015)
Translations of primary documents