entry 'Dress, Design: Romanian' in :
The Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe (ERNiE)

2011: Book
A Circle of Friends: Romanian Revolutionaries and Political Exile, 1840-1859
2009: Article
‘Women, Dowries, and Patrimonial Law in Old-Regime Romania (c. 1750- 1830)’
Journal of Family History (SAGE), 2009, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 189- 205 CLICK for access to abstract
2007: Chapter
'Elena Hartulari's Story: the presentation of the emotional self'
in Bilici, Faruk, Ionel Cândea, and Anca Popescu, eds. 2007. Enjeux politiques, économiques et militaires en Mer Noire (XIVe-XXIe siécles): études à la mémoire de Mihail Guboglu. Braila: Istros, pp. 429-44
2015: Book
Violeta Barbu; Maria Magdalena Székely; Kinga Tüdös; Angela Jianu
Grădina rozelor. Femei din Moldova, Ţara Românească şi Transilvania.(sec.XVII-XIX)
(A Garden of Roses - women from the Romanian Principalities and Transylvania, 17th - 19th c)
The Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 2015
ISBN 978-973-27-2507-8
2007: Chapter
'Women, Fashion and Europeanisation in the Romanian Principalities'
in Amila Buturović, Irvin C. Schick (eds.) Women in the Ottoman Balkans (I.B. Tauris, London, 2007)
(Translated into Turkish as Osmanlı Dőneminde Balkan Kadinlari, Istanbul Bilgi University, 2009)
This chapter examines sartorial shifts in old-regime Romania and the role of women in promoting the transition from Ottoman-inspired to European dress. Among the visual sources used are works produced by Jean-Etienne Liotard:
'Liotard spent a few years in Constantinople (1738-42), where [...] he must have obtained special dispensation to wear Turkish dress, and a much less documented period in Moldavia (1742-43), where he gained first-hand knowledge of the lines, colours, and fabrics, as well as of the social and political conventions of the Turkish costume in a Balkan context.'
(excerpts reproduced by kind permission of the publishers. Click HERE for a link to the I.B.Tauris, now Bloomsbury, webpage)
Click HERE to buy from Amazon
Liotard's work was showcased in a major exhibition at the Royal Academy in London (ended 31 January 2016)
Click HERE for the Liotard exhibition page at the Royal Academy